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So far in my project I have successfully connected to the API and is currently receiving the data to be displayed in the console. I have yet to think anything in regard to the front end. I receive all the information I currently plan to display but I just don’t know how to display it yet. I want the user to have this sense of realizing the impact of this virus worldwide so I think placing the impact on the numbers would be a very beneficial aspect to this project. However, I thought I also want to display more information as in regard to show growth or decrease. I might implement shapes in order to display this info but I haven’t thought about the front end yet.


How To Simulate The Universe, In 134 Easy Steps

Looking through this article it gave me a better understanding on how simulations better help us understand our world and give information to everyone easier. I really like how the talk was laid out with pictures accompanying each section. It helped to better understand the sections of each text. I really like the last simulation where it gave a good overlook of life as a simulation using math to separate each person that comes in from the start.