Simulation and Games

In Class Assignment

It was really interesting to play around with Loopy and to see how it a very useful tool to test out simulations before you start working on them. I didn’t have a set idea for my final project yet so I was playing around with the set examples on the page. The one that caught my interest was the Depression and Anxiety since it was very complex. It made me better realize this topic of depression and anxiety and how many factors go into it.


Short Games

The two games I played was “itisasifyouweredoingwork” and “Burnt Matches”. The similarities these two games had was they both allowed user input as the main action while having some sort of simulation to further advance in the game. They were both about stuff people can experience in real life as well. In “itisasifyouweredoingwork” its based on a work environment where you have to do what your screen tells you in order to get promoted. The system is that follow the rules even with all the interruptions and you will get promoted. While for “Burnt Matches” it’s more of a story like environment where your actions will determine what’s happens to you next. Some parts of the game you can’t control in “itisasifyouweredoingwork” is the pop ups that stop you from doing work. While for “Burnt Matches” what comes next as you take your “steps” is something you can’t control as it is supposed to simulate your surroundings.




The proposal for my project would be to do something covid-19 related just like my final assignment for my game development class. I was lightly inspired by the “Why It’s So Freaking Hard To Make A Good COVID-19 Model” article since I am interested in working with data and how to visualize and present it. My plan is to use the mathdro covid-19 API which updates a lot of information such as confirmed cases, recovered, deaths, and the overall summary. I am planning to let the user to choose the country they want to investigate however, I am planning to make this project to emphasize that this is a serious and very much active epidemic so I am planning to do something to the numbers to make them more impactfull and to show the user that this information is very much live and changes each second you look at it. As of right now I know I would need to use Axios to be able to make get requests to the api but as regards to everything else I haven’t thought it out yet.